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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Titanic: The Experience at Orlando’s International Drive

Titanic: The Experience is a permanent exhibit that has been the major attraction at Orlando’s International Drive for the last three years. The building underwent a major renovation early this year to accommodate more artifacts and life-size displays, which include a recreation of the ill-fated ship’s grand staircase that is one of the most memorable among the many attractions in the exhibit. 

Actors in costumes reminiscent of the period act as tour guides who bring the visitors through the many displays featured in the exhibit. The experience provides the visitors a historical view of the experience the passengers of the ship went through while on board the magnificent ship. The displays include a replica of the state rooms in the first class area of the ship and the view from the bridge where the captain must have stood; waiting for his imminent death as the ship slowly sank to the bottom, taking him with it. Blueprints of the ship which is also shown in the exhibit is testament to what was then viewed as the major engineering feat of 1912 as it was designed to stay afloat even if four of its compartments filled up with water. Ironically, the iceberg that it struck sliced through six of the ship’s compartments which broke it in half and caused the humongous ship to sink to its watery grave less than three hours later. Indeed, the exhibit is a must-see for everyone who remains enthralled by the mystery and lore of the Titanic.

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