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Monday, September 22, 2014

Choose Your Tenants Well with Tenantify

Switching to Tenantify was the best decision my friend has ever made. He's been burned by bad tenants a lot of times and he ended up losing money and spending more for repairs. Worst of all, he's dealt with disputes and eviction (which took ages) a few times.

Now, he makes sure to "tenantify" a possible tenant before entrusting him with the keys to his property. What Tenantify does is it verifies the employment and income status of the tenant. My friend loves this because the service is always free for him. It's the client who pays for the verification process.

What he does is send a request to the tenant via Tenantify. The tenant will be asked to submit his work info for the employment verification and he securely enters his online banking info for the income verification process. This is not always done together. A landlord can request for either of the two or for both processes. My friend just wants to be very sure, that's why he always wants both verifications done. After requesting, he waits for the reports. When the reports get to him, that's the time he decides if that tenant should sign the contract.

With Tenantify, he doesn't have to worry about fake bank statements or frauds from bad tenants.

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